The Pioneers in Accuracy for Gluten and Food Sensitivity Testing...Since 2000
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Still serving the US and now the world from our headquarters in Zug, Switzerland

Address of Analytical Lab and Where to send Specimens:
30 km Athens - Lavrio
190 03 Markopoulo (Mesogeia)
Athens Greece
US Phone: 1-972-686-6869
Our Professional Staff
Kenneth Fine, M.D.
Kenneth Fine, M.D. is a gastroenterologist board certified in internal medicine and gastroenterology. He has been professionally involved in patient care, medical research, teaching, and directing clinical laboratories for over 25 years.
Frederick Ogunji, Ph.D.
Frederick Ogunji, Ph.D., an immunologist with more than 30 years of experience, is Head of Research and Development and supervises EnteroLab's clinical laboratory.